Sunday, December 6, 2009

No Inspiration

I have been blissfully enjoying the advent/christmas preparation themed blogs this past week! I have been burried beneath pounds and layers of homework as finals are approaching and the semester is a day from ending, and they have given me a reason to take a break ;) Does anyone reading have any advent traditions or prayers/ways in which they keep themselves focused on YHVH during this season? I'd love to hear :)

With the encouraging blogs and commentary comes the bad...I've been in contact with old Messianic friends who are disgusted I am doing Christmas this year. I have also read some blogs that "don't mean to offend" but are frankly condemning Christmas celebrators to hell. It was that kind of blogging/videos that used to guilt me into feeling ashamed of loving Christmas, even if it was a completely spiritual event. Why is this a problem? Why are we not allowed to celebrate and glorify God on December 25th? If I am not mistaken....YHVH created that day. Christians always encourage each other to praise God each and everyday without ceasing...yet it's suddenly a horrendous act on this date. I just feel that something that brings me closer to God cannot be a bad thing. Following the OT laws cannot save me, only my faith and devotion to Yeshua.

Well I gotta get back to the ole' grind...homework and studying...while I watch the specials on ABC family :D
Have a blessed week everyone!


Stacy K. said...

I was in the anti-christmas Messianic club for awhile. The conclusion I came to is that Christians celebrating Christmas are doing something with the right intentions. It may have originally based upon pagan customs, but most of those pagan religions have since passed away. My only concern now is the commercialism, which is pretty easy to avoid.

NoReply said...

lol! oh dear... :0D have to say I stopped 'doing' christmas grief must be some 20 -25 years ago now... not because of any religious beliefs but because I'm a total miser :0D

Does that make you smile? Good!

Each year I see my brother and sisters struggle to make ends and then spend money they don't have on expensive gifts and when I ask them why - well the answers I get often puzzle them more than me... now those that know and love me well know much better than to waste their hard earned money on lining the marketeers pockets.